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Wanda Hope Carter

63 Things for my 63rd Birthday »Blogs

Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
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Wanda Hope Carter

Welcome to my video blog. Starting on my 63rd birthday I began doing 63 new things, one per day to make my life better. At the same time, I began working my way into an alkaline cleansing diet by removing the number of acid f...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today, on the seventh day of adding 63 new things to my life to make it better, I added to be sure to take at least one shower a day. Not that this is a big problem, but sometimes my bad habits leave me falling asleep in a ch...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today, on the third day of adding 63 new things to my life to make it better, I added taking natural organic noni every day. Noni was one of the original Hawaiian canoe plants and out of the about two dozen plants the ancient...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today, on day 2 of implementing 63 new things in my life, I add work outdoors for an hour every day. I decided to spend today's hour under the house cleaning, sorting and planning for the fate of the many items that have been...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today, on the tenth day of adding 63 new things to my life to make it better, I added bible study. I am living in challenging times and can see only more difficult challenges ahead. My spirit needs reinforcement to get me thr...
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