Topic: Common Core

Willis Pebble

Last day to send email to Governor Scott and the Florida Dept of Education. below is a bunch of talking points to use with their source. Send to send to Governor Scott and the Florida Board of Educatio...
Joseph Ryan

It is Not Too Late to Get the Anti Common Core Vote: Open letter to Rick Scott Dear Governor Scott. I am a parent that has been fighting common core for almost two years. I know that you are the best option to get rid of com...
Willis Pebble

Common Core? Tell Florida Leadership: We Can Do Better! The Florida Citizens Alliance is suggesting that we write our Florida elected officials and the Legislative leaders in Tallahassee. However, we have even more influence ...
Joseph Ryan

Donald Trump can secure the gratitude of millions of parents across the nation  if he fulfill his promise on education. Michelle Rhee is not the person to get that done. Here is an excerpt from Joy Pullmann's article at the F...
Willis Pebble

COMMON CORE NOT A STANDARD, COMMON CORE IS A DATA COLLECTION DEVICE Common Core is not a testing standard nor is it a curriculum. Common core is a data point collection system to be used to design a hyper-efficient human capi...
Joseph Ryan

The Catholic schools should be refuge for the faithful and the innocent. Common core was designed to attack faith in God.  We must convince the Bishops not to adopt common core, or it will be the end of Catholic Schools, Ther...
Joseph Ryan

    Ron DeSantis is the first candidate seeking statewide office in Florida who is against common core. Having Ron DeSantis, as our Governor, is probably the only way we can finally stop common core in Florida. Other than, to...
Willis Pebble

It is time to send the common core pushers with their Big Education cronies a message. If you stand with the educrats and against our kids and against quality teachers, you will not win in Florida. Adam Putnam is Jeb's handpi...
Willis Pebble

Guides to Common Core plus a confession from Jeb Bush It has come to my  attention that many do not understand who we were forced into common core , As a primmer I present you with a few recently posts that attempt to explain...
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