
government of the people or of the corporations and lobbyists
Michelle vs Melania Change is coming
Speed Checked by Radar
Military Spending by Country
Thousands Roseburg Oregon protests Obama visit
Al Sharpton called for Obama to nationalize Americas Police Just Like Hitler Did
Patrick Henry Quote on having arms for our own defense
Real Retouched image of Lincoln that was used to make the penny engraving from
Nancy Pelosi VS James Madison quotes about the size of laws and bills
Kennedy investigated for thanking God
1st Black Congressmen Were Republicans
A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity
Its okay to self identify as being anything but a Christian
Chile vs Venezuela
Planned Paenthood Drive Through Service - Parts
The best way to take control over people Adolph Hitler Quote
The Real State of the Union Graphs Charts
Hitler did not like our movies about Hitler either - we said tough and made them anyway
2016 convention of states
Michele Obama - Kinda like Jake from state farm
Obama and Bill Ayers
Undocumented Democrats
Obama VS Thommas Jefferson on Tyranny
Is One World Trade Center Topped With an Islamic Minaret You Decide
You are right GOP is the party of old white men NOT
The American Patriot
Once you accept Obama is not on our side everything he does makes perfect sense
Stand up for truth against the world
The goal of socialism is communism Vladimir Lenin
Benghazi Poem
Obama's Youth Brigade Hand Gesture VS Hitler's Youth Brigade Hand Gesture
Gun Free Zones DON'T WORK!
Black Privilege Black Violence White Violence
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