Topic: Christian

Redneck Angel Warrior   * This is a very important video.  We are asking that all American citizens that are connected to the Patriot Movement or Infidel Movement to please watch t...
Redneck Angel Warrior

by, Jana Katsuyama | KTVU | h/t Creeping Sharia Students said they were scared when they saw the police arrive at Lafayette Elementary School Friday morning. An Oakland Unified School District spokesman told KTVU that a third...
Safari Woman

Double Standards Anyone? Sooooooooo, why is it that Gays think it is just fine to force Christians to make products supporting things they don't believe in but not okay for them to make products supporting things that they th...
Redneck Angel Warrior

*Note: This is a “Must See” Video for the Judeo-Christian and Non-Christian, alike. For anyone unfamiliar with David Wood, he is an absolutely amazing human being. He is truly brilliant.
Redneck Angel Warrior

  Here is sharia unveiled’s preliminary report on this story from June of this year. by,  KRIS ZANE | The Western Center for Journalism The failed novelist, once Obama speech writer, now National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes ...
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