Topic: obama

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Safari Woman

LOL oh my, my, my ---- So, the NAACP said, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal’s ad...
Safari Woman

Well here we go, back in 09 even Kagan, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, thought there is no federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. EXCERPTS: A questionnaire for her confirmation as Solicitor General before ...
Ms Constitution

  Understanding the “Racial Resentment” Scale   After Hilary Clinton accused 50% of Trump supporters of belonging to a “basket of deplorables,” the liberal progressive machine marshaled “evidence” to back up their candidate’s...
Redneck Angel Warrior   * This is a very important video.  We are asking that all American citizens that are connected to the Patriot Movement or Infidel Movement to please watch t...
William Davis Hall

It has bothered me to watch the news about Ferguson. For most of her life, my daughter has grown up in a world where blacks and whites got along and where color was becoming a lesser distinction between people. She said it ma...
Safari Woman

The interview shows clips of President Obama speaking of how his father grew up and herded goats and then Gilbert told Malik that Obama had deceived Americans when Obama stated that he would cut the deficit, support Israel, a...
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