Topic: gun rights

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Safari Woman

Excerpts: Guns don’t kill people, the Constitution kills people, at least according to Karl Rove, Republican strategist and architect of George W. Bush’s election and reelection as president. Rove, speaking on Fox News Sunday...
Dale Barnes

What's next? These left wing morons in DC have endless stupid ideas and this one is up there near the top of the stupidest of the stupidest of them. The article says, "House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) has introduced...
Safari Woman

Cayuga County Gun owners can be identified by physicians, psychologists, registered nurses or licensed clinical social workers as unfit without their knowledge, as the law does not require health professionals to inform a pa...
Safari Woman

Chicago’s first-quarter murder total this year hit its lowest number since 1958, police say. The first three months of the year saw 6 fewer murders than the same time frame in 2013–a 9 percent drop–and 55 fewer murders than ...
Safari Woman

David Cole Withrow is a young man and Eagle Scout who tried to do the right thing by calling his mother to come get the gun he forgot that he left in his car when he arrived at school. He has been arrested for a federal crime...
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