Topic: election

Safari Woman is online.

Here are the four sentences that will draw all of the attention (they come more than two thirds of the way through the speech): “I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: thes...
Safari Woman is online.

Oh but it could even be so much longer! Excerpts: • $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit. • Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases ...
Safari Woman is online.

    These people are disgusting. Anyone who votes democrat equally disgusts me. Excerpts: Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of a House oversight subcommittee on homeland defense, asked the Homeland Security Department w...
Safari Woman is online.

CPUSA Communist Party USA is happy Obama won - OF COURSE THEY ARE. Please God please, wake up friends. I've lived most of my life but many of my friends have many more years ahead. It not only can happen here, IT IS HAPPENING...
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