Topic: terrorists

Safari Woman

From Washington Post: Amid jubilation Saturday over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from captivity by the Taliban, senior Republicans on Capitol Hill said they were troubled by the means by which it was accomplis...
Safari Woman

excerpts: Diane Foley, James’ mother, said in an interview with CNN that she was “embarrassed and appalled” at the lack of action Obama has taken against the Islamic State that killed her son, not to mention the botched rescu...
Safari Woman

U.S. Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, while testifying before a House panel today, indicated that the government’s ability to detect terrorists inside the homeland is hindered by sanctuary cities t...
Safari Woman

Charlie Daniels does a great job in a such a short article of explaining Satanic Evil Personified through recent history and as it is now rearing it's head in ISIS. Charlie Said: The kind of evil that is so depraved, sick a...
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