Topic: Lois Lerner

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Safari Woman

It has been known for some time that Washington DC officials were involved in the IRS targeting scandal.  It appears now that the Justice Department played a key role in the targeting too. The Justice Department was aware of ...
Safari Woman

And THIS, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how we are two stepped into tyranny! Party loyalty among We the People, is blinding not binding! Excerpts: One of the reasons Republicans like Rep. Mike Kelly from Pennsylvania won’t come f...
Safari Woman

Okay, one computer crash in one location could possibly be legitimate. Two computers crashing at the same or different locations is already smelling fishy. But three, no four, no five, no six , - NO - SEVEN in TWO LOCATIONS?...
Safari Woman

From my experience, I see no reason not to believe this is true. Ron Gula is CEO and chief technical officer of Tenable Network Security, an information technology services company nestled in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., ...
Safari Woman

This Scandal is beyond Scandal - it is a CRIME! Now the IRS just happened to lose Lois Lerner Emails? Isn't this alone reason enough to act on this crime against American citizens for no reason other than their political lean...
Safari Woman

If my mind was in the gutter and my vocabulary limited, I might have to say that Lois Lerner is the one who is acting like an Ahole, and so is Eric Holder for not calling on a special prosecutor to look into the matter. But ...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: Though the IRS claimed that the emails that could possibly link Lerner to an orchestrated effort to suppress political dissent in the months prior to the 2012 elections were on a hard drive that inexplicably went “m...
Safari Woman

As a website owner - I know their "reasons" aka excuses are PURE BS. Let me repeat that PURE BS. EXCERPTS: The Internal Revenue Service admitted in court Wednesday that the agency has not searched any of its standard computer...
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