Topic: law

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Gregory Alan of Johnson The Lady (primary author) scanned her book into pdf form for easier access/reading.  It has the who/what/where/when/why/how of our current (1770 ...
Gregory Alan of Johnson

The following link explains the dangers of Marriage Certificates/Licenses in conciseness and detail that is beyond my English abilities: The above clearly explains...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: "Observers wondered for months if Bergdahl would be charged with desertion after the deal brokered by the U.S. to bring him home. He was — but he was also charged with misbehavior before the enemy, a much rarer offe...
Safari Woman

And now comes word that Border Patrol agents in the most heavily-trafficked area of the surge, the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, recently questioned 230 illegal immigrants about why they came. The results showed overwhe...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: The House of Representatives voted Friday evening to pass a bill that blocks President Barack Obama from continuing or expanding executive amnesty via the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or pro...
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