Topic: education

Willis Pebble

 Let this be a lesson Florida Republicans who support Common Core. The story of how Florida's Education Commissioner, Tony Bennett, lost his reelection as the Indiana state superintendent of public instruction to Democrat Gle...
Bob Gallo

By Nancy Thorner and Elizabeth Clarke -  In an Education Reporter article published July 2007, William A. Borst wrote: The public schools have become the new Marxist laboratories for social engineering. The average public s...
Joseph Ryan

The Catholic schools should be refuge for the faithful and the innocent. Common core was designed to attack faith in God.  We must convince the Bishops not to adopt common core, or it will be the end of Catholic Schools, Ther...
Joseph Ryan

    Ron DeSantis is the first candidate seeking statewide office in Florida who is against common core. Having Ron DeSantis, as our Governor, is probably the only way we can finally stop common core in Florida. Other than, to...
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