The Jeb Bush money Trail to Common Core Part I
The following was a collaborative effort of Team Network Bloggers and Cris Quackenbush of the floridacitizensalliance, Please find the important action items below. The State of ...
The-Jeb-Bush-Money-Trail-To-Common-Core Part I
Jeb Bush, emails, SB-616, Florida-Senate, Education, Common Core, parental control, Education committee, appropriations committee, Florida Senate, senator Gaetz. Senator Legg, American Institutes for Research, Pearson, Parents, students, assessments, Common Core Standards, Data-Mining, Curriculum, Obama, CCSS, Data Warehouse, Bill Gates, Achieve, RNC, GOP, RPOF, REC, validation, Education Reform, data collection, Common Core State Standards, Common Core Method, Department of Education, student tracking, accountability, VAM, Value added mode, teacher evaluation, High-staked testing, teaching to the test, school superintendent, school principle, school choice, charter schools, local school board, Republican party, St. Johns county
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- March 28, 2015 11:49 pm
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