Topic: Constitution

Willis Pebble

Rand Paul was trying to get Seceratary of State john Kerry to comit to following the constitution and abiding by the decision of the legistaltue. But he would'nt If this excehane proove that we have alawless president than I ...
Safari Woman

Dear Republican Party, I am already disgusted beyond words that not one of you have stood up against the obvious problems relating to the qualifications of Barack Obama to run for or serve as our President. We know too well a...
Safari Woman

Chances are you now live in a ‘Constitution Free Zone’. US Federal District Judge Edward Korman, has reaffirmed an Obama admin policy that grants officials the authority to search Americans’ laptops and other electronics with...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: Guns don’t kill people, the Constitution kills people, at least according to Karl Rove, Republican strategist and architect of George W. Bush’s election and reelection as president. Rove, speaking on Fox News Sunday...
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