Topic: communism

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Dale Barnes

I started this year out in a funk just considering it. Four more years of Obama is so ominous that it is hard for me to try to imagine because I don't want to do it. But I know that I must to some degree in order to plan for ...
Safari Woman

5/19/16 I am so saddened and disheartened to see the young, and younger than me people I know, falling for the enticement of socialism. When I come across anything that points out issues I think they might pay attention to ev...
Safari Woman

A frightening but excellent article. In the midst of one extreme scandal after the other, amnesty perculates what appears to be the seal on the coffin of the American way of life. EXCERPTS: If Obamacare is the Cloward and Piv...
Safari Woman

The next time you hear someone call America a Democracy or toot the Socialism Horn send them this! This site simply identifies and defines economic and societal (political) systems. A Small Sample of the type of Information Y...
Safari Woman

This is a great brief article of historical relevance and contains several Patton quotes . Excerpt: "They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and n...
Safari Woman

I came across a couple of interesting posts posing the question in the title and arguing whether Huxley, author of The Brave New World was more correct about the future than Orwell, author of 1984. Their future was our presen...
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