Health, Beauty & Fitness

Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: An undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood has turned up evidence that it sold “intact” fetal organs to at least one California company known as Stem Express. Stem Express charges $400 to $25,000 for stem cel...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Dr. Lioy became one of the first scholars to gather samples of the dust from the ruins of New York’s Twin Towers, soon after he witnessed the 2001 terrorist attack, the New York Times reported. He scraped the sample...
Safari Woman

As reported by Catholic Online: United States President Barack Obama's unchecked influx of unvaccinated child immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border has an official with the centers for Disease Control denouncing him as a...
Gregory Alan of Johnson

The following link explains the dangers of Marriage Certificates/Licenses in conciseness and detail that is beyond my English abilities: The above clearly explains...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: ...... for all the non-stop commentary, one detail goes nearly unmentioned — the omission that best explains this week’s Fundamental Transformation trifecta.   Did you notice that there was not an iota of speculatio...
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