To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!

Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
American Dream TEAM!
It's NEVER too late to achieve your dreams!
American Dream TEAM!
American Dream TEAM!
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Q Quitters Never win, and winners never quit! from To Achieve your Dreams Remember Your ABCs & http://inspirationmotivat...
  • March 16, 2023
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
How many ABCs did she use!? Three that come to mind right off the bat, D-Don't give up and don't give in. H-Hang on to your dreams, K-Keep trying no matter how hard it seems,  it will get easier
  • March 14, 2023
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Great story - had never heard that.
  • March 15, 2023
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Wanda Hope Carter
Linda Mihalic
Yes, 'winning' is the world's propaganda and he woke up from that American nightmare and had the courage to call attention to the trap it sets, which is letting the world set your goals and judging your competence according to its false values and standards.
  • January 5, 2023
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Safari Woman
Well said - ty
  • January 6, 2023
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
My daughter reminded me of this song after I posted the "New dream" video - and yes I love it - and it's so true - and it's so me. The lyrics ring true and I need to hear lots of go get em songs right now. I love classical music and I love punk rock music. This is who I am - not going to try to hide...
  • September 13, 2022
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Mark Bailey
  • September 13, 2022
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Linda Mihalic
Everyone who has worked hard for what they have can relate to this one.
  • September 13, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
my two favorite lines out of this are: "if ya think you've got 100 years to mess around: you're wrong! this time it's real, y o u r  t i m e  i s  n o w . . . it's hero time!" & "no such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time all you got is life time... go!" Thes...
  • September 13, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
Inspired by last year 911 - My new focus on an old dream. Okay - I'm thinking maybe about five people will actually see this - it was set to private because it was just a test run - to hear the words ...
American Dream TEAM!
Inspired by last year 911 - My new focus on an old dream. Okay - I'm thinking maybe about five people will actually see this - it was set to private because it was just a test run - to hear the words ...
Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
After watching another video posted by Jordan (hat tip to Indy) I saw this linked at youtube and gave it a shot. >So much good  helpful info!
  • August 19, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
For many years - decades - I wrote or drew something everyday as sort of a diary. It had to be something quick like five minutes. I have with me about a hundred of the poems, songs, drawings etc. from over the years and there are so many more in storage. This was an idea for a poem written in 2005 -...
  • August 15, 2022
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American Dream TEAM!
A good guideline for laying out steps to achieving your dreams.
Wanda Hope Carter
Laurel Victory
Salute! Wonderful Wanda!
  • August 9, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
Thanks! I happened upon this on youtube while looking for something else. I'd forgotten I made it. lol .. it feels like time to start the in order repeating again. I'm struggling through so many things - it can't hurt- always helps!
  • August 11, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
I think this is often too true! Instead, lets chisel the good times into our hearts and let the bad memories go with the tide of time.
  • July 30, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
Wanda Hope Carter
Wishing all of the good fathers, good father figures and future good fathers who are being raised right now, a happy father's day.
  • June 18, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
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