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if I'd listened everything that they said to me, I wouldn't be here!
and if I took ...
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Wanda Hope Carter
My daughter reminded me of this song after I posted the "New dream" video - and yes I love it - and it's so true - and it's so me. The lyrics ring true and I need to hear lots of go get em songs right now. I love classical music and I love punk rock music. This is who I am - not going to try to hide...
  • September 13, 2022
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Mark Bailey
  • September 13, 2022
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Linda Mihalic
Everyone who has worked hard for what they have can relate to this one.
  • September 13, 2022
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Wanda Hope Carter
my two favorite lines out of this are: "if ya think you've got 100 years to mess around: you're wrong! this time it's real, y o u r  t i m e  i s  n o w . . . it's hero time!" & "no such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time all you got is life time... go!" Thes...
  • September 13, 2022
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