Topic: taxes

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Wikileaks association with Pizza Dogs to Obama spending 65000 tax dollars to fly them in
Benefits and Services for low income individuals 80+ programs at 1 Trillion year
Federal Government Spending Under Clinton Bush and Obama
DEBT someday son the bill for all of this will be yours
Illegal Immigration costs on Californians
A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity
I dont want any more help from the government I cant afford it
The democracy will cease to exist Thomas Jefferson quote
When you believe raising taxes and minimum wage creates jobs IMAGINATION
What will children of the entitlement state do when there are no more taxpayers to steal from
Facts about Illegal Aliens
IRS Stop calling it a refund you over paid all year
If you want higher taxes you are not robin hood you are prince john
45 percent pay no income tax and vote on what to charge everyone else
The definition of Foreign Aid
Governments create wealth the same way ticks create blood
Big Gov to Tax Payer - You need to learn to live with less
Robin Hood robbed from the government and gave back from the tax victims
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