common-core rotten2

Topic: jeb bush

Willis Pebble

Although this is a blog dedicated to exposing  the truth about common core, I thought it would be a good idea to post a few blogs about the basic reasons we need to stop common core and how to stop common core. So, here is a...
Willis Pebble

Florida Senate limits NON-STANDARDIZED testing,  but MANDATES Common Core Standardized Assessments. The Headline in the Sunshine State News, Senate's Had Enough, Limits Standardized Testing  is unknowingly perpetrating the ...
Joseph Ryan

Common Core the Beginning of the End? Something happened on the 23rd of July, and it involved Glenn beck’s “We will not Conform” anti Common Core event. It was not the event itself  it was the story about the event titled ”Gl...
Joseph Ryan

  MARCO RUBIO ON COMMON CORE Marco's Recorded on Common Core Reveals Why He Is the Crony Capitalist Choice for President A candidate's position on Common Core right to the heart of how they think about government. You can te...
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