burning american flag
liberal will give away everything he does not own
FASCIST BOOT ON YOUR HEAD hey at least it is not Trump cartoon
Communism vs Democratic Socialism
Democrats in the past vs Democrats in the Present
Adam Schiff Doppleganger
What do all of these masked terrorists have in common - they are all Democrats
heba abedin
Yonkin WINS
If you are so afraid of free speech that you riot and use violence to stop it you might be a fascist
Ban Fossil Fools Biden and Bernie
kid with mag hat on nancy
Obama and Rham sitting in a tree
The three globalist stooges Clinton Bush and Obama
Comey memo payback Branco cartoon legalinsurrection
March for Trump at Berkeley - Elderly man pepper sprayed by antifa
PJ O Rourke Quote - at the core of liberalism is the spoiled child
And this is the poster for socialized medicine of the week
CRT is cruel by teaching hate racism and the fate of perpetual victimhood or victimization It is COMMUNISM -MARXISM- STOP IT NOW
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