Topic: terrorists

The first words spoken were Arabic signaling the giving over of America to Islam
The Five Gitmo Bad Guys That Obama Traded for a Traitor
Empty Chair Obama - We Do not have a strategy yet
Obamas View of Terrorists Criminals and Right Wingers
Our Country is in Trouble
The worse part about Obamas terrorist trade
Obama does not negotiate with terrorists he just gives them what they want
7000 Kurdish women stayed behind to fight ISIS while millions of men fled
Terrorists on Welfare What is WRONG With This Picture
The world supports Paris with blue white and red lights
Similar Photos of Behghazi Ferguson Baltimore All Acts of Terrorism
ISIS in the middle wast vs the Progressives in America See the difference - neither do I
Obamas ISIS speech Let me be clear we switched sides but not really pay up taxpayers
ISIS Maybe this golfclub will get obamas attention
The terrorists are coming Turn in your guns and run to the gun free zone
We the people are now the enemy
Do you know why Obama changed the name of Al Qaeda to Khurasan
remember the heroes 911 2001
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