Topic: quote

It does not take a majority to win but an irate tireless minority Samuel Adams quote
John Adams quote about dividing the republic into two parties Democrat and Republican
Fredric Bastiat Quote on Government Systems Versus Liberty
One child one teacher one pen and one book can change the world Malala Yousafzai
Benjamin Franklin Quote About Helping the Poor
Is it too much to ask that the President affirm his devotion to the law - Trey Gowdy quote
Martin Luther King Jr's Quote About Hitler
Will Rogers Quote
Thomas Jefferson quote - those entrusted with power pervert it into tyranny
Taxes laid upon the public without urgent public neccessity are an instrument of tyranny Calvin Coolidge  Quote
I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not Kurt Cobain
Psalms 61 - 2
Most bad government has grown out of too much government Thomas Jefferson quote
How Compassion is Defined by Conservatives VS by Liberals Star Parker Quote
Benjamin Franklins Creed About Worshipping One Creator
Hellen Keller Quote Believe when you are most unhappy so long as you can sweeten anothers pain
A free people ought to be armed and disciplined and have enough ammunition George Washington Quote
Barack Obama Government by freak out Peggy Noonan
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