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After a dismal faiure on Kickstarter Ryan bounced back and is heading for success! A great example of (D) Don't give up and don't give in. Smile


Ryan Grepper, the mind behind the Coolest cooler, aKickstarter campaign that ended in failure last year, describes how his product has made a wildly successful comeback.

What inspired your idea?

The Coolest started as a passion project. My biggest loves are spending times with family and friends and spending time outside. The original idea was based on a blender powered by a modified weed-wacker engine, and a car stereo in a speakerbox. Last summer, I realized technology has come a long way and I could really turn my idea into something.

Must-have features came down to two things: adding more fun by combining access to music with blender drinks, and creating something that removes the hassles that come with getting organized and getting outside. I wanted to make it easier for everyone to get outdoors and spend time with family.

What made you think people would buy it?

After the first campaign failed my confidence was pretty low, but we had passionate people who connected with the idea. I knew the first campaign wasn’t how I envisioned the Coolest to be. Encouragement from our original backers and my own belief in the product made me take another shot.


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