
What to do if you're worried that you're nutrient-deficient

Keep a diary and note down when exactly you experience which symptoms. Once you've got a good overview, call your doctor to schedule a comprehensive blood test and, if possible, discuss the results with someone experienced in orthomolecular therapy.

Also, make sure to eat a balanced diet, rich in a rainbow of colors. Aim to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Some ideas to help you do this:

  • Have "liquid salads" (aka green smoothies).
  • Put a bowl with fruit on every table in your home.
  • Keep containers with a mix of veggies in your fridge to take with you when you leave the house.
  • Dehydrate veggies.
  • Make your own veggie chips.
  • Schedule actual fruit breaks in your agenda (with reminders).

If our body and mind are out of balance, there is a lot we can do ourselves to make things better. Start slowly with simple and real food, find alternatives for coffee, alcohol, and white sugar (because these affect the absorption of nutrients) and learn about a holistic approach to health and happiness.

Peace, Love & Aloha Surfing
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