common-core rotten2
Willis Pebble

Here ia the first In sallment of a an ongouing blog which will show the corporate connection that gave us comon core. The enclosed diagrams and maps were gathered from sources aroung the stop common core movement. Truthout / ...
Joseph Ryan

Derek Hankerson; A "No Common Core" Choice for Florida Senate District 6 For those who opposed common core and watched the Florida 2014 legislative session end with two bills that would delay common core die in committee the...
Willis Pebble

Where do they stand on common core? Under the collective umbrella of “COMMON CORE”, our children are being exposed to the biggest experiment in American history. Politicians and educrats from both parties have been pressured,...
Joseph Ryan

In Honor of Kelly LorBeer, Kathy Harvey, Derek Hankerson. To Those Who Ran Against Common Core, Thank You! To those who ran against common core, I want to thank you. You put yourselves on the line for our kids, my kids and...
Willis Pebble

Make you Voice heard about Common Core In Florida at Florida Standards Review The hearings in Florida to get public input on the Florida Education Standards and particularly common core are over. Only time will tell is the h...
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