Topic: police

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Meltdown alert!!!! Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to res...
Safari Woman is online.

In a blow to the constitutional rights of citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Heien v. State of North Carolina that police officers are permitted to violate American citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights if the violatio...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: Lawyers for the six cops charged in the death of Baltimore heroin dealer Freddie Gray have opened up another  front against Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, filing new court papers that accused prosecutors ...
Safari Woman is online.

Obama is trying to expand progressive control by attaching more conditions to federal funding of state and local law-enforcement efforts. “We can expand the [federally-funded] COPS program… to see if we can get more inc...
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EXCERPTS: Dr. Lioy became one of the first scholars to gather samples of the dust from the ruins of New York’s Twin Towers, soon after he witnessed the 2001 terrorist attack, the New York Times reported. He scraped the sample...
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This man needs to be in prison! I heard Russia has a bounty on his head. I can see why he and his groups are banned from their country! EXCERPTS: A leaked document from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations exposes the bill...
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