Topic: Marxist

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As reported by Catholic Online: United States President Barack Obama's unchecked influx of unvaccinated child immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border has an official with the centers for Disease Control denouncing him as a...
Bob Gallo

By Nancy Thorner and Elizabeth Clarke -  In an Education Reporter article published July 2007, William A. Borst wrote: The public schools have become the new Marxist laboratories for social engineering. The average public s...
Safari Woman is online.

I found this article revealing and fascinating but not surprising! A straight shooter from Obama's past..... Excerpts: OBAMA CLASSMATE AT OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE: Barack sought "revolution, where the working class would overthro...
Safari Woman is online.

I especially want to blog on this because it turns out Ms "My parents are on public assistance and barely scraping by" Keely Mullen, so called and probably self appointed leader of the Million Student March, lied about her fa...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: On Tuesday, former Marxist-turned-conservative icon David Horowitz spoke at the Heritage Foundation to mark the launch of what will be a ten-volume compendium of his writings on leftism, The Black Book of the Americ...
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