Topic: IRS scandal

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AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCERPTS: On Thursday, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would resign his position as soon as a replacement could be named. Before the official announcement, which ...
Safari Woman is online.

If my mind was in the gutter and my vocabulary limited, I might have to say that Lois Lerner is the one who is acting like an Ahole, and so is Eric Holder for not calling on a special prosecutor to look into the matter. But ...
Safari Woman is online.

It has been known for some time that Washington DC officials were involved in the IRS targeting scandal.  It appears now that the Justice Department played a key role in the targeting too. The Justice Department was aware of ...
Safari Woman is online.

This impreses me and moves me so deeply that I have to share these words from Becky Gerritson, which I applaud and agree with her position 100%. "I am not here today as a serf or a vassal. I am not begging my lords for mercy....
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