IMHO We DO need a non fraudulent copy of his birth certificate. But this article shows another aspect of his lack of documentation that hasn't been discussed much until now, that being his mother's passport records.


It’s almost an insult to our intelligence, to ask us to believe that Obama is a US citizen. He has a schizophrenic timeline of unexplained foreign travel, a list of aliases, and uncomfortable friendships with communists and hostile governments.

We can drop this debate over his birth certificate because we have something even more valuable. We have his mother’s passport files.

Stanley Ann Dunham’s passport files were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and then posted online. (Strunk v. US Department of State)

When Obama was young, children traveled as an addition to their parents’ passports.

Passport regulations required a photo of parent and child together, as well as a certified copy of a hospital birth certificate. State-issued IDs came much later.


If Obama was born in the United States, as everybody says, then there should be a photo of little Barack Obama with his mother, as well as a certified copy of his Hawaiian birth certificate in her file.

Surprise. There are no photos of little Barack Obama in the file. And of course, there is no birth certificate from any hospital in Hawaii.


Robert Kenard
Nothing about him adds up and it continues to infuriate me that so far not ONE so called conservative leader, except for Sheriff Joe, has done anything about it. That shows me just how alone we the people are out here in defending ourselves. And people wonder why I don't trust the government? With a...
  • April 8, 2013
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The evidence against obama is overwhelming.  If a private citizen was tried in a court of law with the same findings he/she would be found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.   I think the lack of interest in obama v birth certificate is due to the tremendous machine that operates not only obama, but...
  • April 8, 2013
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