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3/16/17 After the news broke yesterday about the Hawaii judge ruling to halt the latest Terror Travel Ban, I tweeted "CONSERVATIVES - is it time to boycott Hawaii yet? They have also been passing laws serving communist globalist agendas for precedents"

Today, I woke up to find #BoycottHawaii the top trending Hashtag on Twitter. (Yay me!) lol

While I was looking at the tweets found under this hashtag, I noticed several people stating that most of the people posting they would boycott Hawaii would never go there anyway. While that may be true about many who are upset by the Judge's ruling, there are other ways activists can boycott Hawaii and the first thing I am going to do is share those with you.

For those who don't know I still have family and friends in Hawaii where I lived and worked in the travel industry for over a decade and traveled to frequently and regularly after I moved away. I keep up with Hawaii news almost as closely as I do the news from where I live today. I have watched with keen interest how far left Hawaii has moved politically since I first arrived there in 1992 with much dismay. I see how they are setting precedents in their state laws where if they go unchallenged, I expect will soon be picked up by other liberal states.

Hawaii being so far from the mainland USA, is often forgotten about and ignored for what they are doing locally. The Presidency of Barack Obama put it a little more prominently on the radar for news watchers but I think it is only those who have an interest in the state who would follow what is going on within their State government. They have always leaned left, being what many refer to as the most socialist state in the Nation, and in the past few years I have seen them pass laws that are downright frightening. 

Lets face it, most Hawaii residents are too busy surfing, hiking, grinding (eating) and having a good fun time in their beautiful surroundings to notice what the politicians are doing and in my opinion, this has further cleared the path for Hawaii to get by with passing laws that are constitutional infringements. Another good portion of the people who live in Hawaii are just trying to survive where everything costs so much more than it does on the mainland that they just don't have time to give legislation much thought.

A third prominent group of people in Hawaii are living off of the government or homeless so they are only concerned about what it is they are getting or can get from law makers. Finally, a fourth prominent group of people in Hawaii are either part time residents or not residents at all but just regular vacationers and the last thing they want to think about while in the islands is politics. This leaves the lawmakers with a lot of leeway that doesn't get much public scrutiny and unfortunately the path they follow has been towards an even deeper socialist state which I recognize as globalist and communist. 

So first, before I list examples of why one would want to boycott Hawaii even outside of this latest Judge's suit against the Terrorist Travel Ban, here are the top ten ways one can boycott the state. A few of the research articles I pulled this information from are attached below. Hawaii's top exports, oil and airplane parts are probably not controllable purchases by the average potential boycotter, and some of the suggestions come from my own knowledge of what people purchase when visiting or things that residents send to the states from Hawaii for treasured gifts desired by friends and family. 

#1 Travel - According to the most recent figures given by the Hawaii.gov, 12,070,670 persons from the USA traveled to Hawaii in 2015 and spent on average $1,624.25 per trip.  Lets say for the sake of projecting a starting figure for what a travel ban would cost Hawaii, that the travelers are represented about half and half between conservatives and liberals. That would mean 6,035,335 boycotting visitors, would not spend $1,624.25 each for a total loss of $9,802,892,873.75 tourist dollars!!!!  So even though it may be true that not everyone calling to boycott Hawaii would actually travel there, there would still be a massive and substantial impact if conservatives boycott. 

For the rest of these, I can find no information quickly to indicate the dollar impact on their economy by boycotting, but only statistics of these being best selling products in a variety of sources including from my own experience. 

#2 - Hawaiian Coffee - Hawaii is the only state that produces its own coffee and it is world reknown. 

#3 - Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts - The popularity and use of Hawaiian macadamia nuts has grown to include mainstream brands usage in typical USA grocery shelf products such as cookies. 

#4 - Hawaiian Beer - Hawaiian breweries turn out unique and excellent novelty beers that have grown in popularity around the USA to the point they have become quite easy to find in stores.

#5 - Hawaiian Liquor - Locally grown pineapples, coffee, coconuts and sugar cane are used in the popular and often unique liquors made in Hawaii

#6 - Hawaiian Pineapples - A mainstay of Hawaiian crops 

#7 - Hawaiian Surfboards - Hawaii is the home of surfing and a board crafted by a local shaper is a prized possession of any surfer who owns one

#8 - Hawaiian Baked Goods - There are several Hawaiian bakeries who make products that are commonly found in regular grocery stores if not in specialty shops

#9 - Hawaiian Skin Care Products - With so many exotic ingredients being locally grown, Hawaiian skin care products are highly popular

#10 - Hawaiian Health Food - There are many over the counter health products made in Hawaii that have caught on in the USA and foods in general can be added to this list to increase it's scope

There could be a much longer list here, but this is enough to give you an idea of just how effective a boycott of Hawaii by conservatives might be. 

As for other reasons besides the travel ban judgement to boycott Hawaii, because this article has already gone on longer than I intended, I will just link a few of the bills that have come to my attention below. These are bills that everyone who values constitutional rights and who does not want to see the USA go in the direction of globalism or communism should be concerned about being set as precedents or compounding precedents by Hawaiian lawmakers.

So, even though the recent 9th district court Judge from Hawaii's ruling may be your muse for a boycott, these issues may drive home even further why one might want to put pressure on the state. I have long been warning people that what Hawaii does, may some day affect us all, and that chicken has already come home to roost with the Terror Travel Ban suit.  

Hawaii gun bill aims to prevent mass shootings by seizing firearms 

Due Process-Denying Gun Ban Clears Hawaii Senate, Passage Expected

Hawaii Senate Passes Bill Forcing Church to Refer Women to Abortion Clinics 

Aid In Dying Bill Clears Senate Despite Emotional Appeal 

Ban On Many Sunscreen Products Likely To Pass In Hawaii Senate 

The above laws have been reported on in the last few weeks, but I can verify that the push towards establishing a communist state abiding by globalist laws has been ongoing for quite some time and it seems to slip under the radar of national news and public awareness. Bills I can't at the moment find links to that are highly concerning to me are those moving Hawaii towards UN Agenda21 and Agenda2030 compliance. There are several of those but I've ran out of time to researh and write today.

I suggest anyone interested in the model of laws Hawaii is passing follow their news sources on your social networks or by researching through your PC. This guide may be helpful to you for tracking their legislation. Activists should also engage their news sources directly or on networks with opinions and send letters to their government. Boycotts and activism will definitely get their attention and as harsh as it may be, it might wake up some of the locals to what their state is up to so that they too can pressure their government to stop violating constitutional rights. 


Copyright 2017 aka SafariWoman all rights reserved no duplication, copy, publication, printing, plagiarism, downloading or other use without express written permission. Other copyrights may also apply. 

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lol....my husb just got back from Maui, but he spent NOTHING there. He is NOT a big spender.

None of us are going to Maui this year so, I'm hoping I've done my part.
  • March 16, 2017
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Safari Woman
But he had to have food right? lol Does he rent a car? - the stats on HI.gov is that each person spenda about $1,624.25 per trip. Did he spend that much do you think? 
  • March 16, 2017
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R Potts
All I would miss is the coffee and I don't get it that often. Can do.
  • March 16, 2017
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Safari Woman
There is only one product I won't be willing to boycott - my Noni leather but thank goodness I'm stocked up. I wasn't planning to go back in the near future anyway. 
  • March 16, 2017
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