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I follow Childike Okeem on Twitter and at times find myself pondering over his posts. This is one of those times. Whether one may totally agree or not with Okeem, what he says is definitely thought provoking and calling out both parties to bear responsibility for the roles they play. 


The fanciful idea of living in a colorblind society is one of the greatest impediments to sophisticated discussions about race in America.  If there is going to be a soothing of racial tensions in American society, there first has to be an understanding that race -- albeit a social construct based on some biological realities -- exists and matters, and it is not just a vestigial figment of centuries-old white racism.

It is axiomatic that race is a part of our social reality; however, where we need more discussion is on precisely where race matters.  The fundamental problem with race in America today is that we have a band of profiteering, country-trotting black liberals claiming that race matters in all the areas where it clearly does not.

For the purpose of the left's political gain, millions of people have been persuaded that capitalism does not work for blacks and that as a result, blacks need socialistic interventions.  As I demonstrated in a previous article, these black Marxist prophets greedily indulge in the capitalistic rewards that they would never receive under the socialist economic model that they hypocritically present as the way forward for blacks. 

Indeed, race matters; however, two things happen when some conservatives propagate the wrongheaded, politically correct idea that race is obsolete.  First, they make the road clear for liberal sophists to persuade people that race matters in all the places where it does not, and second, conservatives lose the ability to effectively challenge liberals on the caustic effects of their policies on minority communities.


Lucas Delgado
Interesting read. It seems like race matters more today than it did a decade ago.
  • May 4, 2016
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