From A.E. Taylor in his marvelous book, "The Faith of a Moralist":

As Plato puts it, in his admonition to the young man who is led to the denial of God's moral government of the world by the spectacle of apparently successful lifelong transgression, “You shall assuredly never be passed over by God's judgement, not though you make yourself never so small, and hide in the bowels [326] of the earth, or exalt yourself to heaven: you must pay the penalty due, either while you are still with us, or after your departure hence, in the house of Hades, or, it may be, by removal to some still more desolate region.” [Laws, 905 A.]

Wanda Hope Carter
"and hide in the bowels" Makes me think of the many high end underground refugee survival pods, cities or communities set up for the elite, and many of whom are guilty of lifelong transgression!
  • August 12, 2015
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