From Canada Free Press

Having touched on this issue in the past, it seems appropriate to revisit how language becomes a weapon used against the people. Harking back to the mid-1970s, this tactic was first brought to my attention while sitting in a foreign language class at the University of Oregon. Professor John Beebe, an extraordinary Slavic linguist, taught more than just the structure and application of the Russian language, he delved into its history and evolution.

Perhaps evolution is a poor choice of ‘words’ as the core of this discussion is specifically about words and how their definitions purposefully change. Related to this is one standout fact that Professor Beebe brought forth in our studies, that of Russia’s mother tongue’s engineered metamorphosis that occurred as part of the Bolshevik revolution.

Before the fall of the czar, Old Russian more resembled Old English than what we now call modern Russian. What is likely never taught any longer is that the language was intentionally overhauled by Lenin to reflect the new communist order.

This Bolshevik revamping of language to support and, in effect, sponsor a government that ruled over the people rather than served them was a model for the progressivism that was already encroaching on American life in 1917. Because of the changes in American English since the turn of the 20th century, it’s necessary to keep an 1828 Noah Webster dictionary at hand to understand our founding documents in the context they were written. The constant attempt to reinterpret the Second Amendment to mean that the right to bear personal firearms was not what our Founders intended, exemplifies the point of deliberately changing meanings. Progressives have even gone to the extreme of dropping cursive handwriting from public school curricula. Why? To enforce the illiteracy of younger generations when it comes to an ability to read our founding documents in their original form, creating a reliance on “interpreters” of the original language.1 This is already occurring as text books have “explanations” of the Bill of Rights instead of verbatim transcriptions. In this, the purpose of the Bolshevik redesigning of Russian to disenfranchise the educated Russian public becomes obvious, the same as is the American institution of the practice.

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