I received this from a friend, who has a Bedouin Muslim for a friend in Israel. The Bedouin Muslims fight along side of Israel.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:00 AM,

http://pjmedia.com/ rogerlsimon/2014/08/03/welcome-to-the-1930s/?singlepage=true


This is your Europe America. Be aware, you are next! Read it and arm yourselves. You have no other choice!  The world is enraged because these Jews in the mid east refuse to submit to Islam, Obama and the political left, and just die. AGB's observations to definitely prove that point next, reporting from Europe.


Consider this for a moment: CNN now plays Arabic music during prime time news in Europe and are proud to be partnered with the Qatar Foundation that apparently owns most of the network and wholly owns all Jazeera. The news feeds somewhat diluted are directly taken from al Jazeera's reports.

During two election cycles  CNN was in direct campaign mode to get Obama and democrats elected and re-elected. Remember Cindy Crowley during the presidential debates, the democrats booing the Jerusalem resolution during the democratic convention. The Qatar Foundations's role in this affair are a matter of speculation and suspicion...but wait!

Today both John Kerry and Barack Obama are aggressively trying to host Qatar's and Turkey's lead to negotiate Hamas' interest into the conflict now ongoing. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel are objecting to having the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots Hamas and al Qaeda decide what is in Israel's or their mutual best interests - a combined security pact to fight global terror promoted by Qatar and its servants in the White House.

So far Obama and Kerry, and Qatar and Turkey, the primary supporters and financiers of the MB and Hamas (all of them I say) and despite what they assert, are frozen out of the negotiations. You will see these turkeys grandstand on TV. ignored them add they try to insert themselves into the horrid carnage they had created.

Israel had accepted the Egypt-Saudi plan weeks ago that Hamas rejected that, had Hamas accepted it then, would have prevented all the bloodshed, maiming and killing of civilians.

Had Obama and his gang of Islamist thugs persuaded Hamas to go along and get along three weeks ago, all the bloodshed would have been averted.

The bloodshed, now we know, all the Arabs now know, everyone who is partially in touch with reality knows, are on Obama's, Kerry's and the terrorists's hands.  -  AGB



What the Gazans wanted to do to the Jews they got in return from the Jews. The world has no problem when the Arabs do the killing and the Jews do the dying. It only has a problem when the Jews do the killing and the Arabs do the dying. - Anon

Andrew Benjamin continues:

Israel supplies Gaza with water, electricity, waste management and concrete to build homes - and medical care. Among many other life sustaining things.

The concrete and water to mix the concrete are diverted by the Palestinians to build tunnels under Israeli homes to attack Israeli civilians and therewith depriving their own people from repairing and building homes, shelters and hospitals.

The electricity is diverted to light and air condition the tunnels and for the heavy equipment to drill and remove earth from the tunnels.

The tunnels' estimated cost was $2 billion, much of it from US taxpayers sent there for humanitarian aid. The Palestinians get more humanitarian aid per capita than American citizens on welfare.

Children are employed in the building of the tunnels in various capacity, even rumors of little girls who were unwillingly married off to old men who had raped them.

That is the beautiful, innocent faces of the Palestinians you don't get to see on CNN and al Jazeera.

What you do see are the maimed and dead bodies of the children whose parents are willing to sacrifice them to murder the Jews who have rightly settled into their own ancient, at the time almost vacant, homeland.

What you see are the maimed and dead not just from Israeli munitions, but from accidental explosions from the primitive munitions made in the primitive "labs" of the Palestinians themselves and from "friendly fire." When Arabs murder other Arabs it is a friendly act of murder. When murderous Arabs are killed by Israelis in self defense, the killings are unfriendly and are war crimes.

Now in Europe from where I'm reporting after having attended a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of Budapest's main Catholic church, I am reminded that Christians have been expelled, raped and murdered by the same ideology throughout the Arab world many Europeans now support. My photos are attached. ( sorry did not come through)



How come there were so few casualties in Israel when during the Gulf War Saddam fired hundreds of SCUD missiles into Israel's most densely populated areas?


All the media, dozens of news reports told the world it was "luck." Just coincidence, for there are no other explanations for the Jews refusal to die.

Israel develops new technology, medical cures, life saving pharma and even treats its enemies with the best medical care in the world because of luck. Israeli field hospitals show up first and foremost in the world's most remote areas to treat the victims of hurricanes, tsunamis and typhoons because of LUCK.

Israel defeated six nations and their overwhelming military apparatus five times in a row because of luck. It is clearly obvious that The Creator didn't create what HE created. It was just luck. Objects of creation create themselves. By luck.

The discovery of dozens of tunnels under Israeli civilians just in the nick of time was luck. That not enough Israelis were murdered by innocent Palestinian children who dug those tunnels, or by the homicidal maniacs of Palestine who shout out Allahu Akhbar when they trigger their missiles or explosive belts and rpgs is also just luck.

http:// viewpure.com/Oml3SJ0vSlk

Israel and the Jewish people  and their accomplishments and achievements  as well as their survival and refusing to die you see, are coincidences of luck. Just a coincidence here and there...

And luck.



http:// www.aish.com /h/9av/aas/By-The-Tunnels-of-Shujaiya-There-We-Sat-and-Wept.html?s=feat&mobile=yes


Palestinian demonstrations, aka garbage, meet Jews of Gold in New York.

To their regret.

Elsewhere they get away with their insidious, evil, lying propaganda because there are no Jews to oppose these demonstrations and they have a cooperating and uncritical media that loves their fabricated history and fake narratives. All over Europe they organize with the antisemites of the political left that cannot tolerate the Jewish success that causes inequality of results, and spew their VENOM of envy and resentment across the media landscape to entertain us all.

https:// www.youtube.com /watch?v=NkZdVeb9iSY

Palestinian and other garbage at the steps of Budapest' s main Catholic basilica staging Jew hate for the media, including reenactments of Israelis murdering Palestinians that never happened.

To the good and noble people who love the Palestinians.

In Syria,  51 innocent people were murdered by Arabs yesterday. One million over the last two years. Where was your voice when Arabs murdered other Arabs? Or is it that your voice only rises at the first sign of Jewish self defense?


Quote....The tunnels' estimated cost was $2 billion, much of it from US taxpayers sent there for humanitarian aid.

Quote......Israel develops new technology, medical cures, life saving pharma and even treats its enemies with the best medical care in the world because of luck.
No, I don't think it was ...
  • August 9, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
This may explain some of what the USA gives/given to Israel....

Israel had loans with the US that she had to pay off....she also buys used military vehicles and such from the USA.

Israel buys food from Canada as she does not have the means to be self-sufficient in that area....

Israel needed help as so...
  • August 10, 2014
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( Israel gets 3.15 Billion a year....which most is paid back to the USA.)
Think about that Redneck. If Israel has the means to pay that money back why is Israel borrowing it every year?

(Most U.S. loans to Israel are forgiven, and many were made with the explicit understanding that they would be forgi...
  • August 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
She's borrowing it every year as she doesn't have the cash on hand....much like one borrows money to buy a house cuz they don't have the cash on hand and pay it back, little by little.

She also purchases off of America....as well as other countries.

Think about it....Israel is a very tiny country, wit...
  • August 10, 2014
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Ma'am, did you read the article in the link that I sent?
  • August 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I read down to this part...." Also, it angers me that my government is giving over $10 billion to a country that is more prosperous than most of the other countries in the world and uses much of its money for strengthening its military and the oppression of the Palestinian people. ".....

This tells m...
  • August 10, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
Money well spent. Islam is taqqiyah = lying in favor of Islam. No thanks.
  • August 10, 2014
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Money illegally spent. It robs from yours and my grandchildren who have no say in it.
Nothing in the Constitution allows the US to give away money.
  • August 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior

This was interesting to read....though it is from the late 80's.... http://www.gao.gov/assets...

This is from 2012... http://www.inquisitr.com/...

~excerpt~ Reuters reports that $850 million was allocated for to help fund Pakistan’s military development of counter-insur...
  • August 10, 2014
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