Dear Represenative

Please do not give this man any more money. It is pretty obvious that Obama caused the crises and given that he is not a stupid man, one can only come to the conclusion that giving him billions to spend, anyway he pleases, would make this whole thing a pretty good deal for him and a disaster for America

They want to hire judges and build detention centers? Are they asking you to believe that judges who are competent to do the job can be found at the unemployment office? If this is such an emergency that you need to act right away, do they have time to build buildings? If this is such an emergency, how about the DHS selling off all the ammunition and so called assault rifles that they have accumulated.  People would be happy to buy these items and the idea of a heavily armed domestic “security” force is a little scary and a lot more unconstitutional.

If the president is complaining that the current law requires that anyone here illegally, who is not from Mexico, must be processed differently then vote to remove that restriction.  If the president is serious he would rush to sign that bill. I don’t suppose it would be possible to keep them from crossing the border in the first place.  It would be better for all concerned if these children were humanely sent back to their homes, with the promise that we will modernize our immigration process so that when they are old enough, they can come here like so many other immigrants have come to America before, with the promise of liberty.

One of the reasons I am adamant about this is that I am up at 3 AM writing you when I should be asleep. I am up because I am trying to support Derek Hankerson who is running against State Senator Thrasher, because Derek opposes common core. Common core was adopted in 47 states because the Obama administration had billions of non-designated funds to bribe the States into accepting common core, including Florida. Any money that Obama get, can and will, be used against us. I wish it were not so, but to deny it, defies all logic. The billions you give Obama can never be repaid by you, me or anyone working today. Our children, our grandchildren and generations yet to come will be paying for common core and this “emergency” which was inevitable due to the President’s Dreamer ploy.

Secondly and more importantly, is that the real burden of the president’s policy will be borne by these poor children and their parents? I am the father of two children adopted from China. Government policies made their Chinese birth parents take enormous risks just to give birth to these babies, only to “abandon” them so they could live. A government policy like the China’s one-child-policy has cost millions of lives to be lost. In a way, what our president has done, is causing something very similar to occur in Central America. Most of these children were sent north based on what our president said. These children were put into real danger and hardships including the knowledge that their parents sent them away. Even worse, is that many of these children will see that their parents are using them to get citizenship for themselves.  I see pictures of these children and I want to bring them home and care for them. But they have parents and they need to be with their parents so they can start to repair the damage done by our president’s promises.  Whether Obama was thoughtless or calculating, is does not matter, lives are being torn apart, please do not reward him for it.

Thank you for your continued service to our country.


Joseph Ryan

Wanda Hope Carter
Good one Joe. I hope they listen.
  • July 9, 2014
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Linda Mihalic
  • July 9, 2014
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