Great article! IMHO obama has crossed the red line many times. Recently Ann Coulter said if he wasn't our first black president, he would have been impeached already. I think a lot of us agree with that!


Our government's CEO is Barack Obama, its board of directors is Congress, its workforce consists of a growing multitude of Big Government bureaucracies, and its bank is the unaccountable monopoly of the Federal Reserve.  Anymore, hardly anyone with any power in that vast organization seems to represent the interests of We the People (the shareholders).  

The Democrat-media complex can ridicule political opposition as "fringe" or "extremist," but the ominous ticking of the 17-trillion-dollar debt clock is becoming harder to ignore.  The growing debt transforms our shares from an asset into a liability that gravely impacts our national security. Our future generations will no longer expect the reward of dividends in their pursuit of happiness.  Instead, and not by choice, they inherit more than their fair share of risk -- the labor of digging out of this financial mess, the difficult task of restoring real freedom and liberty, and the rebuilding of our national status and defenses abroad.

Not only has the financial value of our shares turned upside-down, but the attached voting value has become diluted.  A significant proportion of voters contribute no financial stake with payment of taxes, and furthermore, they (and other "privileged" citizens) vote for politicians who promise generous dividend redistribution schemes.  The specter of fraudulent elections, questionable campaign methods, foreign donations, IRS involvement in limiting political speech, and potential citizenship for millions of illegals who "overwhelmingly support big government" -- all serve to further erode the possibility of a voting majority that values a return to the Constitution.

Back in early December, liberal law professor Jonathan Turley admitted before Congress that Obama has "become the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."  Several more ObamaCare delays and hundreds of new regulations later, and columnist Charles Krauthammer describes it all as "the stuff that you do in a banana republic."


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