A Tennessee elementary school banned students from eating ham sandwiches, BLT’s and anything else made with pork, but eventually lifted the ban after parents complained.

The no-pork rule generated lots of conversation on Nashville’s talk radio stations and a number of callers and several hosts wondered if it had something to do with students who might be Muslim.

“Typical list for a Madrassa,” wrote Nashville radio host Michael DelGiorno on his Facebook page.

“If you think this has anything to do with something besides appeasing Muslims then you are either stupid or willfully ignorant,” one of his listeners wrote.

“Is this school system trying to satisfy a religion?” another listener asked. “I see a big red flag here.”

Wanda Hope Carter
That's Jimmy Dean country! You don't mess with their ham!
  • August 16, 2013
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Dale Barnes
Tennessee people have shown what they are made of more than once on this subject.
  • August 18, 2013
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