What are you watching on TV tonight
Why fight when you can manipulate your way out of an uprising
Leftwing Media Propaganda Whores
Goebbels and the New York Times Propaganda
CNN Very Fake News Paid Family News Headlines
Self Educated People Can Not Be Fooled By Institutionalized Propaganda
Good Evening Its the 6 Oclock News and Here is what we want you to think MEDIA MIND CONTROL
Illinois Public School Rewrites Second Ammendment for Liberal Indoctrination
I support free speech not political correctness
EVIL Brainwashing by Progressives
Weapons of Mass Deception - Mainstream News AKA Lame Stream News
Austrailia finally covers covid cover up in news media
Life in Mayberry - Opie asks What does PC mean
You have been lied to about everything
Only two people in history had their own symbols - Obama and Hitler
When CNN uses same girl in 3 different refugee crisis pictures being saved by 3 different men
BBC Lied about anti covid lock down turn outs in London
Obama - Cult that you can believe in
Dunblane Massacre Used To Take Away Guns Case Sealed for 100 Years
The Problem is not people being uneducated
I dont watch CNN for the same reason I dont drink out of a toilet
Don't Think
The most terrible things have resulted not from disobedience but from obedience Howard Zinn quote
Google vs DuckDuckGo definition of nationalism
If all the news sounds the same consider this - they are all owned by the same six corporations
Operation Mockingbird
My God people Have you lost your minds
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep Saul Bellow quote
Politically Correct A term used for Whiney Overly-Sensitive Pansies who Need Everything Sugar-Coated for Them
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
Is what you believe is true really true Jason Bailor
Major News Figures Tied to Obama White House
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