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Safari Woman

In a blow to the constitutional rights of citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Heien v. State of North Carolina that police officers are permitted to violate American citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights if the violatio...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: ...... for all the non-stop commentary, one detail goes nearly unmentioned — the omission that best explains this week’s Fundamental Transformation trifecta.   Did you notice that there was not an iota of speculatio...
Safari Woman

Well it is the Daily Kos and what do they know or try to do other than create hysteria over anything that threatens communism? But one can hope! EXCERPTS: The United States Supreme Court ruled Monday that workers cannot be ...
Willis Pebble

 President Trump needs your input on Supreme Court President Trump will be deciding on a replacement for Justice Kennedy sometime today or tomorrow. The problem is that most of his closest advisors are recommending someone w...
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