Topic: schools

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Willis Pebble

Common Core is a seriously flawed Federal attempt to take over the education of every American child. The people behind this takeover may have different motives for implementing Common Core but the result will be that same. O...

Michelle Obama Initiative Falters While students in Egypt are taking to the streets to demand their rights against a tyrannical government, it's good to see the American students still have a little fight left in them too. Ev...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: It's obvious that the far left has decided there are no longer constraints on what it can do to anyone who disagrees with it. How did this happen? Who let the dogs out? The answer is not university presidents. The a...
Joseph Ryan

It is Not Too Late to Get the Anti Common Core Vote: Open letter to Rick Scott Dear Governor Scott. I am a parent that has been fighting common core for almost two years. I know that you are the best option to get rid of com...
Safari Woman

PARENTS WAKE UP! Your child's minds are at the mercy of schools that are part of the leftist aka communist agenda. A child who spends a third of their day in a school being brainwashed subtly or directly and additionally spen...
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