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Michelle Obama
Initiative Falters

While students in Egypt are taking to the streets to demand their rights against a tyrannical government, it's good to see the American students still have a little fight left in them too. Even is all they're fighting for is the right to a filling and good tasting lunch.

As part of Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign, the USDA had been issuing tough new school lunch guidelines. And just like most big government, one-siz-fits-all solutions, they didn't really fit anybody. Students were being given healthy foods they didn't like and threw away, and football linebackers were being served the same size portions and lunches as 90 pound cheerleaders and going back to class with their stomach's growling. Students held protests and staged walk-outs to McDonald's. Some budding entrepreneurs even started black markets, selling verboten snacks out of their lockers. School officials complained too. Well, Washington finally heard their anger. Friday, the USDA lossened the guidelines. They'll give local lunch planners more flexibility and they're doing away with the daily and weekly limits on meats and grains. We can only hope they fold as quickly when the angry backlash against Obamacare kicks in.

This may also be a teachable moment for school kids. They get indoctrinated with a lot of big government liberalism in the classroom. But their real life experience with it in the lunchroom and real world just might be enough to turn them all into Young Republicans.

Safari Woman
Until something hits them somewhere that hurts it seems people don't pay attention. Well, all of the left's facist policies brought to us by the democrats are about to start punching a lot of people really hard. I am glad the kids and their parents might be waking up somewhat. But the parents that v...
  • December 12, 2012
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