Topic: immigration

Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: When Federal Judge Andrew Hanen previously blocked the implementation of Obama’s sweeping immigration “executive action”, the DOJ claimed nothing had been done to begin the rules change.  However, they lied. From t...
Willis Pebble

Obama's "spread the pain around"  Solution to the Government(13%) shutdown Here is what president Obama is doing to make the 13% government shutdown hurt as as many people as possible, and the reaction to it. It is beginning ...
Safari Woman

Friends, I believe we need immigration reform but as usual as of late, the bill in question creates far more problems than it solves and the one issue it definitely does not solve is the open borders we have now. Marco Rubio ...
Safari Woman

Unfortunately, censorship has become the unofficial rule and position of the federal government.  A US Congressman was denied access to a facility housing illegal immigrants in his own district.  Doctors and nurses treating t...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: The House of Representatives voted Friday evening to pass a bill that blocks President Barack Obama from continuing or expanding executive amnesty via the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or pro...
Safari Woman

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said Friday that he sent a letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, charging him for all the illegals in his jail. What happened next? The Ohio sheriff told Dana Loesch: “The federal...
Safari Woman

The president of the union representing immigration service agents said he is adamantly opposed to any plans by President Barack Obama to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants through executive action, the Washington Examiner r...
Safari Woman

Thank you for Greg Abbott! I fully support your postition and appreciate seeing someone with the guts to be a real man who is ready, willing and able to take on this evil plan. EXCERPTS: The incoming governor of Texas deliver...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigratio...
Safari Woman

As reported by Catholic Online: United States President Barack Obama's unchecked influx of unvaccinated child immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border has an official with the centers for Disease Control denouncing him as a...
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