Friends, I believe we need immigration reform but as usual as of late, the bill in question creates far more problems than it solves and the one issue it definitely does not solve is the open borders we have now. Marco Rubio even had the gall to suggest that we need to grant amnesty (I don't care what they call it, that is what it is) to millions of illegals so that we can afford to pay to have the border enforced! HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? Well I might be agreeing with them that we are pretty darn stupid if we allow this genie out of the bottle because it can NEVER EVER EVER be pushed back. Unlike Obama care which could be repealed or defunded once this is granted it's a done deal and forever progressivism will prevail to see their wicked agendas carried out across the nation.


Three Republican members of Congress appeared on Glenn Beck’s program Thursday to beg his viewers for support.

Reps. Steve King (IA), Michele Bachmann (MN), and Louie Gohmert (TX) appeared on the television show to discuss their opposition to comprehensive immigration reform.

Bachmann told Beck that the legislation would “reward” those who broke the nation’s laws and cost Americans “trillions” of dollars. She also called for Fourteenth Amendment citizenship rights to be scaled back, so that “anchor babies” were not provided with U.S. citizenship. Bachmann also claimed comprehensive immigration reform would “cement in place permanent progressive policies in to the future.”

“But it makes total sense if people understand progressivism is a disease in the Republican Party as well,” Beck responded.

The three lawmakers complained they had become pariahs within their own party because of their staunch opposition to immigration reform. They concluded their interview by imploring Beck’s viewers to support them.

“A lot of your viewers don’t even know we are in the middle of that fight right now, and we’re losing badly,” Bachmann remarked. “Why? Because members of Congress don’t even know this fight is going on, so we need your viewers to melt the phone lines and say don’t vote for any immigration bill until the border is secure.”


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Walter D.
If we lose this one, we've lost it all. 
  • June 14, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
I'm afraid you might be right about that. 
  • June 15, 2013
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