Topic: Gorebull warming

Safari Woman

If anyone in Australia wants to adopt me - I'm available!!!!!!!!!!!! Score one for the Aussies. Their Federal Cabinet has rejected outright the radical environmental agenda being pushed by the UN at this week's global summit ...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Spin it as “stalled”. Spin it anyway you want. The cold reality is that global warming just isn’t happening. In truth, it hasn’t been happening for 16 years. And – according to one of the world’s leading contributor...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Back in March of this year, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) announced an “innovative initiative” in which participants from around the world are invited to vote on what the priorities should be in a po...
Safari Woman

This is the website listed by URL as the President's Climate Committee and which reads like a propaganda lobby for  "We Sell Globull Warming Whether Science Supports It Or Not.." Do we need this propaganda board?...
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