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If anyone in Australia wants to adopt me - I'm available!!!!!!!!!!!!

Score one for the Aussies. Their Federal Cabinet has rejected outright the radical environmental agenda being pushed by the UN at this week's global summit on climate change (they changed the language here from global warming to "climate change").

The Federal Cabinet had to come up with a cohesive message from their government as a whole they would take with them to Warsaw Poland for the UN sponsored summit and their message was to reject any measures of, “socialism masquerading as environmentalism.”

We are pretty sure Barack Obama and Al Gore are looking on in horror as Australia has gone conservative on all this socialist pap being passed off as science. READ MORE ->

William Davis Hall
I admire a lot of things about Australia these days. They definitely seem to be less engaged with the agendas that our nation is caught up in supporting.
  • December 15, 2013
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