Topic: george soros

Safari Woman is online.

Meltdown alert!!!! Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to res...
Safari Woman is online.

7/11/16 #TruthMatters After the stories about the deaths of Sterling and Castile broke, there has been lesser reported information to come out about the deceased for example: Sterling had previous convictions, was a registere...
Safari Woman is online.

12/1/15 When I hear liberals complain about the Koch brothers I have to laugh. Not only does this Open Secrets donation chart show their own "evil" contributors, the very types they rail against, give much more to their preci...
Safari Woman is online.

This man needs to be in prison! I heard Russia has a bounty on his head. I can see why he and his groups are banned from their country! EXCERPTS: A leaked document from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations exposes the bill...
Safari Woman is online.

I know that lately I have had very strong feelings about the fear mongering that goes on all over the internet. Besides the fact that the bible teaches us to fear not, I also know that fear is a very draining emotion that spr...
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