7/11/16 #TruthMatters After the stories about the deaths of Sterling and Castile broke, there has been lesser reported information to come out about the deceased for example: Sterling had previous convictions, was a registered sex offender and owed over $25,000 in child support. Philandro Castile's car had no headlight out as claimed by his girlfriend, was pulled over for matching a bolo description of an armed robbery suspect where one of the things stolen was Newport cigarettes, his girlfriend was later photographed with a pack of same said cigarettes, and he had a gun visible to the officer. 

Would or should any of these things affect how people reacted to the initial breaking news reports? I am not sure and I am NOT one to know or say if the shooting of Alton Sterling or Philandro Castile was justified or not. None of us are, that is why these events are being investigated on a federal level. But one thing is for sure and that is people were reacting to the events based on the horrific and sensational videos made of both incidents before all of the details emerged. 

I really hate that anyone loses their life in an unjustified shooting by Police and without a doubt that happens at times. It may have even happened during one or both of these unfortunate events. I only wish the media had clearly emphasized that all details were not known surrounding their deaths but instead they reported in a way that appears to have helped boost anger and set off multiple protests around the country. What ever the truth is, I'm sure both of these men were loved and are missed and my condolences go out to all who are suffering from their loss and from subsequent losses due to incidents spinning off of the reaction to these shootings.

What I have a problem with is the ongoing support from the media and certain liberal leaders to politicize and turn these types of tragedies into something larger, even larger than the resulting murders of five Dallas police officers and other attacks against police in following days. The original reporting lent itself to convicting the officers of wrong doing before the details were fully known. The agenda that drives this type of reporting and directs emotions being stirred up could easily propel them into a race war and violent rioting.

For too long now, we have watched the selective stories promoted by media turn into social engineering causing unrest and destabilization. It helps no one to take something bad and turn it into something worse, unless you are the group that has something to gain from doing so. What gain is there in the fall of society except to the enemies of the population? 

WHY couldn't the media, the president, the Justice Department, the Black Lives Matter groups and anyone else WAIT to see what the whole picture might have looked like instead of knee jerk reacting to the bloody videos of both shootings that were spread around the internet? If they had maybe the un-involved citizens would have too. YES both videos are horrific. YES I feel so sad for family and friends of the deceased. But I also feel sad for our whole nation for the hate that is being festered and especially for the officers killed and wounded in Dallas and elsewhere around the country as a result of escalating public opinion based on only initial reporting. 

#TruthMatters because now we also have five dead police officers in Dallas who led relatively exemplary lives, who were guilty of nothing and yet shot down by a man who admitted he was upset about Black Lives Matter protests. We have other officers from four other states also shot in the following days. At least one other shooter in another state also confessed to being upset by the Black Lives Matter situation and acting in response to the initial police shootings. The Dallas shooter said he wanted to kill white people, especially white cops, which was at least in part a direct response to the news reporting on these two men.

Anyone even slightly responsible for developing or controlling public opinion needs to examine the rolls they've played. The police chief in Dallas was an exemplary example of leadership in a time of tragedy and trouble. If the shootings of these two men had been addressed in the same manner and reported in a more careful way, he may not have had to make those very sad announcements about what happened there to begin with.

I understand that people are mad because they are under the impression that blacks are overwhelmingly targets of police in unjust shootings. If that were true, I would be mad too, but it just simply is not the case statistically. All information from the FBI and other crime statistics show almost double more white people than black people are killed by the police each year and that is even within the fact that less white people are in altercations facing potential arrests with police than blacks. So proportionately that almost double number actually represents a great deal more percentage wise of interactions resulting in death. One article figured it out to be that whites have ten times more chance of being shot by the police than blacks! 

Realizing that, how is it we don't see WLM, white lives matter out in force every time a white person is reportedly unjustly shot? When was the last time anyone can even remember a story on a white person being unjustly shot by a police of any color? How can I not wonder how is it this misconception exists that blacks are the primary racially driven targets of police shootings? Is there ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE? If there is, I would really like to know where to find it.

Until then it appears there are groups using a misrepresentation of facts and allowing that misrepresentation to continue causing psychological and social unrest. There is an atmosphere of fear, anger and discord, all of which are symptoms of a crumbling society. A quick look at who is behind the groups organizing for Black Lives Matter gives us once again the name of George Soros, leftist mastermind and international sower of hate, discord, social engineering, financial instability and general societal destruction.

The main stream media generally appears to share the goals of the overall leftist groups playing this game with human lives and it seems willing to assist in the whipping up of public emotions with irresponsible reporting. There are pre-existing radical groups that are joining forces to react in response to the Black Lives Matter planned protests along with those who are there to show solidarity to what ever they perceive Black Lives Matter represents and even that varies from person to person attending. What I fear is that we have in the making the proverbial perfect storm for a long, hot, deadly summer ahead. 

It doesn't have to be that way! SO PLEASE - before we find our country in a civil race war or torn apart by rioting, lets here forward seek the truth and react with clear minds rather than jumping to conclusions that burst into emotional outrage if or when we are presented with any police shooting. 

There is so much more that could be taken into consideration here and I am posting a few links to those supporting topics as well as the information on both stories below. A posting is not necessarily intended to be reflective of my agreement with anything stated within the articles. One or more articles may even be an example of bad reporting or fact checking. 


George Soros rent a mob.jpg (156.49 kb, 386 views)
Unfortunately, by the time this in depth information gets around these miscreants have already become martyrs for black society and there's no turning back.

Talk about living in a fairyland!!
  • July 11, 2016
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Safari Woman
I just wish people wouldn't let themselves be played so easily. Can't they see how these items are hand picked - although the videos on social media made them nearly impossible to miss. Still, I'm just really mad at the irresponsibility OR the committed leftist agenda - which ever is responsible for...
  • July 11, 2016
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