Topic: Congress

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Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: VIENNA (AP) — After 18 days of intense and often fractious negotiation, diplomats Tuesday declared that world powers and Iran had struck a landmark deal to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dol...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS:  The U.S. Department of Justice has confirmed that a .50-caliber rifle found at the hideout of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera was connected to the failed “gun-walking” operation known as Operation Fast...
Willis Pebble

After hearing Obama's speach on veteren's Day I had to finish this blog, lest we forget. Killing private Ryan If you have not seen the movie “Saving Private Ryan” You probably remember the beginning, the morning of D-Day, at ...
Safari Woman

It has been known for some time that Washington DC officials were involved in the IRS targeting scandal.  It appears now that the Justice Department played a key role in the targeting too. The Justice Department was aware of ...
Safari Woman

On October 31st during a speech in Rhode Island, Obama called for more tax payer spending on pre-school because staying at home with the children isn't a choice that "we" want Americans to make. It isn't only Obama who is wag...
Redneck Angel Warrior

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left's boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display. I ...
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