Science & Technology

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Safari Woman

If anyone in Australia wants to adopt me - I'm available!!!!!!!!!!!! Score one for the Aussies. Their Federal Cabinet has rejected outright the radical environmental agenda being pushed by the UN at this week's global summit ...
William Davis Hall

It has bothered me to watch the news about Ferguson. For most of her life, my daughter has grown up in a world where blacks and whites got along and where color was becoming a lesser distinction between people. She said it ma...
Gregory Alan of Johnson

The following link explains the dangers of Marriage Certificates/Licenses in conciseness and detail that is beyond my English abilities: The above clearly explains...
Wanda Hope Carter

I know there are much bigger problems that I could be facing in life but the last few days of wrestling with a software program, Flash Design, has thrown up one brick wall after the other leaving me wanting to punch something...
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