Travel & Transportation

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Safari Woman

As reported by Catholic Online: United States President Barack Obama's unchecked influx of unvaccinated child immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border has an official with the centers for Disease Control denouncing him as a...
Safari Woman

Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI reveal passengers could be at a secret location Police investigate data from home ...
Wanda Hope Carter

Wow dodged another bullet! Yesterday I was awoken with a call that a tornado storm warning was about to hit where I live. After the last sudden small tornado that hit my back yard a few months ago, I was in a panic to find m...
Wanda Hope Carter

After weeks of searching for a boat that included driving around the state of Florida looking at one disappointment after the other, and dealing with a variety of types of listing brokers, I made two good finds.  One was a bo...
Safari Woman

IMHO We DO need a non fraudulent copy of his birth certificate. But this article shows another aspect of his lack of documentation that hasn't been discussed much until now, that being his mother's passport records. EXCERPTS:...

HEE's GUILTY and Democrats got a lot of money for helping him. This is a few things about it from the best article I can find for somebody who doesn't know whats going on. "Hee, 61, was convicted July 13 in federal court in ...
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